I have just made one CDial at the moment which is the one I have pictured
in this page (by the way, it is very difficult to take pictures from a CD-ROM!).
The dial logging scale and markings are engraved in the 'data' side of the
CD-ROM, so the label at the other side is of no importance.
The sample has a logging scale from 0 to 99, equally spaced in 360 degrees,
but this can be changed to, let's say, 270 degrees and, of course, with other
markings and orientation: the CDial sample I made was intended for FIXED dial
and movable pointer, so the numbers would be always read fine (not upside down
in any case). In case of a MOVABLE dial and fixed pointer all what is needed
is to change the dial markings and put all of them facing to the center of the
circle, as in a Collins S-line or KWM-2 dial, for example.
There is space also for the callsing ('EB5AGV' in my case, as you can see in
the picture) or the builder's name or... what you want!
In the bottom part you can put the name of your homebrewed rig ('HB-1 RX' in the
The CD in the sample CDial is a writable CD-ROM and has a dark blue background.
But I can use also standard (printed) silver CD-ROMs and also golden writtable
CD-ROMs. So there are three possible background colors available: blue, silver
and gold.
I use AutoCAD (by AutoDesk) to draw the CDial and can supply a 'template' which
can be modified by the user and sent back to me with the customized CDial.
There is also the possibility to customize your CDial with a logotype. In order
to do that, I would need an AutoCAD file (or DXF) with the logo to be added.
I can offer them (including the support CD) for an introductory price of US $15
plus shipping for one unit and US $12 each plus shipping for two or more units.
One good thing is that the CDial doesn't weight a lot and also it can be
accomodated in an standard CD-ROM box for shipping so cost won't be high.
You can contact me by e-mail
I can also engrave dual color plastic front panels, using a two layer plastic so,
when you engrave the surface, you get the second color for the engraved parts.
The milling machine controller front panel is done that way and it looks really
Apart of the engraving, there is the possibility to cut the front panel or dial
and make any needed holes.
What is a CDial?
A CDial is, as its name says a 'CD-dial' or, in other words, a dial
engraved (and this is the difference with conventional approaches)
on a CD-ROM. The CDial idea is twofolded: first, use those old CD-ROMs with
outdated software or which produced an error while creating and second,
give to your homebrew (HB) rig an special and unique look.Customizing your CDial
The CDial engraving can be customized to suit your needs in various ways.
CDial (bottom part)
How is a CDial made?
I have received so far lots of kind comments about the CDial. Thanks a lot
to all of you!. There is one thing some of you are wondering: how the
engraving is made. Well, this is, of course, the hardest thing of all this
project. I use a CNC machine (computer controlled mill in this case) along
with a conical tool. It is a kind of plotter, but with a mill instead of a
pen. It is connected to a PC which sends the data to the controller. Of
course, that machine was not intended to engrave CDs ;-), so one of the
toughest problem was how to fix the CD to be engraved without damaging it.
It should be perfectly parallel to the milling machine plane, as the
engraving is just 0.5 to 0.6 mm depth. Once this was solved there were
other things which didn't work, as the CD plastic material melted instead
of being cut... Some tweaking with the rotation and advance (XY) speed gave
the final result, after some wasted CDs...Ordering your custom CDial
I started this project as a personal way to enhance my homebrew gear and also to
use those old CD-ROM instead of throwing them to the trash. But if anybody is
interested in having a custom CDial made, I can offer them at a (I think) very
reasonable price. As I have told before, a CDial can be customized with
different dial divisions and markings to suit your needs.CDial art ;-)
CDial - some light effects!
CDial - more light effects!
More ideas
I have been toying with the idea of doing some 'linear' (not round as a CDial)
dial scales. I can use methacrylate, Lexan or other plastics as a support. Such an engraved dial,
conveniently lighted (by the edges), could be very nice looking.
Please, I would like to hear from you if you find anything of these interesting
or you have any other idea or comment. This is my
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