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EB5AGV's TEKTRONIX Technical Manuals

Here you have some TEKTRONIX Technical Manual CD-ROMs I have compiled.

There are different types of manuals included:

CD-ROM TEK1: Tektronix Series 7000 Mainframes (15 manuals)


CD-ROM TEK2: Tektronix Series 7000 Plug-ins (45 manuals)

Vertical plug-ins

Horizontal plug-ins

Other plug-ins and acessories

CD-ROM TEK3: Tektronix Series 400, 2200 and 2400 oscilloscopes (12 manuals)

Series 400 oscilloscopes

Series 2200 and 2400 oscilloscopes

CD-ROM TEK5: Tektronix Series 2400 oscilloscopes (10 manuals)

Series 2400 oscilloscopes full collection - best value!

Tektronix 2465B

Other available TEKTRONIX manuals


TEK1, TEK2 and TEK4 Manuals are scanned at high resolution and print really fine. TEK3 Manuals quality is more variable but even worst ones are still useful. This is a sample of part of a page (from a TEK1 manual) so you can appreciate its quality and resolution:


Each CD-ROM is just 14 EUR plus shipping.

(please, click on the PayPal icon below the CD-ROM you need)

Two CD-ROMs are just 24 EUR plus shipping.


Get five of the manuals listed on this page (your selection) for 12 EUR plus shipping


If you need just one manual from this page, I can also e-mail it to you for 3 EUR. Just send the money by PayPal (account: eb5agv@google.com ) and let me know which one you want. Hope this helps you to get manuals faster!

In order to pay, I can take PayPal (account: eb5agv@gmail.com ) or cash. E-mail me for more information or click on the appropriate PayPal button.


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