EB5AGV's Workbench: Johnson Viking Thunderbolt

A true classic linear amplifier

Johnson Viking Thunderbolt Johnson Viking Thunderbolt

This page is devoted to my Johnson Viking Thunderbolt tubed linear amplifier.

I hope you enjoy the pictures and comments on this page!

Unit as received (6-December-2011)

Here you have some pictures of the unit as I got it:

Johnson Viking Thunderbolt

It has some mods, as an RX/TX switch on the front panel:

Johnson Viking Thunderbolt

and also a wire coming from the back panel:

Johnson Viking Thunderbolt

Johnson Viking Thunderbolt

I don't know yet the exact purpose of the mods... I will open the unit someday (when I recover from the heavy lifting of the unit from the street to my shack on the first floor!)

One curious thing is that the unit has in the rear panel a metal label which I think was originally fitted on the front panel, as it has the exact shape of a panel repaint mark and there are some now filled holes in the front panel. It says Redifon GR400 Linear Amplifier Ser. No 2. I have looked for info on the WEB and have found nothing about this one. Any clue?

Some external cleaning

Once I got the unit on the shack, I did a fast front panel cleaning and took some more pictures. Here you have them:

Johnson Viking Thunderbolt

Johnson Viking Thunderbolt

Johnson Viking Thunderbolt

More to come soon... keep tuned!