R7603+7D20 display

EB5AGV's Test Equipment Collection

A hobby in itself!

This is my test equipment collection which in part forms my home lab. I use to buy items in unworking condition so, on these pages, you will find links to information about my repairs. I hope this helps to other people who also enjoy fixing test equipment.

I have most of the Service Manuals for these items (both in paper and in PDF) so if you need any information, just e-mail me.

If you need manuals, please, check also the Technical Manuals CD-ROM Compilation page.

My RF Lab

This is the RF Lab / Repair Station, where I repair radio and test equipment gear. It is always evolving so I will upload new pictures as I add new gear.

In order to keep in touch with the World, I have installed some equipment: Yaesu FT-890AT, SP-6 speaker with Timewave DSP-59Y, AEA DSP-232, Yaesu FT-212RH, Yaesu FT-712RH, Alinco DR-570E. In the picture I was working on my Neuwirth HMT SiO (a large unit!)

RF LAB in 8/2005Aug.2005

After some test equipment additions, this was the RF Lab in December 2005:

RF LAB in 12/2005Dec.2005

RF LAB in 12/2005Dec.2005

This is the new installation (see Shack 2.0 Project and Shack 2.0: Second Part pages for more info) in August 2010:

RF LAB in 08/2010Aug.2010



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